Sunday, 20 February 2011

Random Thoughts 21/02/2010

#NowPlaying This is our God - Hillsongs United.

So.. I wanted to write... just write something.. so whatever.


So I was going through this girl's blog Mild and Meek abi Meek and Mild... i don't know again... I have to rate the babe... you can feel the passion radiating off her blog... She loves her makeup/hair/dressing and to be fair gave me an idea of what to do with my wardrobe and stuff like that..

I think I need to take fashion/makeup a little bit more seriously now. I like it, it's fascinating. but I shall leave the obsession to the pros which is EXPENSIVE (time wise mostly and financially as well)..i don't take life that seriously lol..  However . I love love it when people put together a combination and it just works.... (not neccesarily expensive stuff)  and I'm not one to put together a lot of things.. very basic when it comes to my dressings and accessories.
For example I've got quite a few wristwatches.. that I love.. especially  the very beautiful one I got at christmas.. but babe like me.. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to work the latch. YES IT IS THAT COMPLICATED!!!! okay maybe not.. I tend not to wear it out or places i might be walking to or doing a lot fo walking, cos I'm so terrified that it will fall off because I haven't latched it properly...
but since i got my reasonable watch from my aunt some years back for my birthday.. I still wear that watch till tomorrow and I always forget to take a change of watch in case I'm going somewhere nice.. -_-

anyways so yeah back to fashion.. I need to find my niche.. i'm good with colours, (i think) but fashion has advanced so much, whilst I was stuck with the undergrad that was school.. I kind of feel lost and not sure what works for me anymore. So but with the Meek and Mild, blog I've found some inspirations and some stuff I shall invest in.... So i shall let you know how the next couple of days goes. Providing i'm not too lazy and get stuck in my basic jeggings and normal top. For this to work I really need to chuck these pair of Levi Jeans which make me look so dressed down, but are the most comfortable jeans i've owned in my life.. cos they are a size big for me.  Just throw them on, when I have deadlines or  occasional I'm waking up when my lecture is starting and babes have to run #don'tjudgeme

Please don't get me started on this school business.. I am very happy i'm in school don't get me wrong.. I mean there are people who would LOVE to be inschool and the qualifications i'm getting with this PG i'm doing.. it's a bargain, and in the long run I shall be grateful.. buuuttt..... lets just say babes are not smiling right now. but God is in control... #thatisall

Lol.. my Jesus and my God.. has been bunz to me as ever.. so lovellyyy a relationship... gave me a little surprise during the week.. or make that two.. :-D don't know.. we shall see how it all turns out.. any-ways.. so I went to BCC (my church) this morning and this song was basically our song for the sunday.. the now playing song that is.. it's really beautiful.. Freely He gave His Love for us.. This is our God...

Sidebar: May I just mention that Hillsong United has been incredibly crucial and instrumental in my relationship with God.. they make me feel close to God.... like unbelievable.. they are God-sent. #shoutout to Sam Dichinero for introducing me to Hillsong United. Sometimes i'm not good with expressing how I feel, and I have to find the right song to express how I feel.. but Hillsongs.. i don't even know how to explain how I feel. The love flows...  the two songs that make me feel especially close to God are these two songs.. You Hold Me Now then Arms Open Wide.. (in that order and together on their album (Across The Earth)

Anyways.. So My mantra for the week... Lord I Owe It all to you!

Kally xXx

Friday, 18 February 2011

Control Your Anger...

My Beloved,

A professor was teaching about anger; he asked his students, "Why do we shout in anger?  Why do people shout at each other when they are upset? The students thought for a while.  One of them said, we shout because we lose our calm. "But why shout when the other person is just next to you?" asked the professor.  "Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you are angry?" The students gave some other answers but none satisfied the professor. Finally he explained, "When two people are angry at each other, their hearts psychologically distance themselves.  To cover the distance, they must shout to be able to hear each other.  The angrier they are, the stronger they will shout to hear each other through that great distance. Then the professor asked, "What happens when two people fall in love?  They don't shout at each other but talk softly, why?  It is because their hearts are psychologically knitted.  The distance between them is very short.  The professor continued, "And when they love each other even more, what happens?  They do not speak, only whisper and they even get even closer to each other in their love.  Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all....

So next time you shout at a loved one or a colleague, know that you are creating distance between your heart and that person's heart. The true test of growth in your life is not always found in what you say, but in what you choose NOT to say.  Even though you might have every "right" to respond harshly to someone who has wronged or offended you (personally or professionally), remember the big picture and this whole story.  How many times have you been spared in spite of your mistakes and imperfections?  Grace enabled us to see each day. 

Reflect on that and don't take things for granted in your life.  In appreciation for all that you have been given, choose to give up your right to hold an offense or debt against others.  Your capacity to thrive and the grandeur of your life's legacy will be a direct reflection of your ability to forgive and forget. "Smart people know how to hold their tongue; their grandeur is to forgive and forget".

Also an excerpt from one of my devotionals speaks about anger. 

Control Your Anger
'A quick-tempered man acts foolishly...' Proverbs 14:17
It's normal to get angry, but uncontrolled anger can cost you dearly. When Nabal refused to feed King David and his soldiers, David's anger almost drove him to murder. Only Abigail, Nabal's wife, saved David from the destructive potential of his own unchecked emotions. Looking back, David told Abigail, '..."Blessed is your advice... because you have kept me this day from coming to bloodshed"...' (1 Samuel 25:33 NKJV). Our anger is often rooted in pride. Naaman the leper felt insulted when Elisha told him to dip seven times in the muddy Jordan River. '...Naaman became furious, and went away and said, "Indeed," I said to myself, "He will surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place, and heal the leprosy"' (2 Kings 5:11 NKJV). The Arizona Republic, a USA newspaper, reported that when Steve Tran of Westminster, California, closed the door on 25 activated bug bombs, he thought he had seen the last of the cockroaches that shared his apartment. But when the spray reached the pilot light of the stove, it ignited, blasting his screen door across the street, breaking all his windows and setting his furniture ablaze. 'I wanted to kill all of them,' he said. 'I thought if I used a lot more, it would last longer.' According to the label, just two canisters of the pesticide would have solved Tran's roach problem. The blast caused over 10,000 dollars damage to the apartment building. And the cockroaches? Tran reported, 'By Sunday, I saw them walking around.' Yes, 'A quick-tempered man acts foolishly'.

(Source Word for Today, 18th of February 2011)

Hope this blesses you

With Love



Saturday, 12 February 2011

The Meaning of Love - As Told by 4-8 year olds!

Since a very long time ago, people have searched for the meaning of love. But even the great philosophers, with their profound definitions, could not fully touch its true essence. In a survey of 4-8 year olds, kids share their views on love. But what do little kids know about love? Read on and be surprised that despite their young and innocent minds, kids already have a simple but deep grasp of that four-letter word.

"Love is that first feeling you feel before all the bad stuff gets in the way."

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love."

"When someone loves you, the way she says your name is different. You know that your name is safe in her mouth."

"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your french fries without making them give you any of theirs."

"Love is when someone hurts you. And you get so mad but you don't yell at him because you know it would hurt his feelings."

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."

"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."

"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My mommy and daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss but they look happy and sometimes they dance in the kitchen while kissing."

"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."

"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate."

"Love is hugging. Love is kissing. Love is saying no."

"When you tell someone something bad about yourself and you're scared she won't love you anymore. But then you get surprised because not only does she still love you, she loves you even more."

"There are 2 kinds of love. Our love. God's love. But God makes both kinds of them."

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they've know each other so well."

"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore."

"Love is-if you hold hands and sit beside each other in the cafeteria. That means you're in love. Otherwise, you can sit across from each other and be okay."

"My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night."

"Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken."

"Don't feel so bad if you don't have a boyfriend. There's lots of stuff you can do without one."

"Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford."

"If you want somebody to love you, then just be yourself. Some people try to act like somebody else, somebody the boy likes better. I think the boy isn't being very good if he does this to you and you should just find a nicer boy."

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day"

"When you're born and see your mommy for the first time.

"Love is what makes people hide in the dark corners of movie theaters."

"Love goes on even when you stop breathing and you pick up where you left off when you reach heaven."

"My enemies taught me how to love."

"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."

"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."

"You have to fall in love before you get married. Then when you're married, you just sit around and read books together."

"I let my big sister pick on me because my Mom says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her."

"Love cards like Valentine's cards say stuff on them that we'd like to say ourselves, but we wouldn't be caught dead saying."

"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you."

"Love is when mommy sees daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross."

"You never have to be lonely. There's always somebody to love, even if it's just a squirrel or a kitten."

"You can break love, but it won't die."

With Love
Happy Valentines 

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Will You Marry Me?.... #Understatement

I saw this somewhere a while ago.. and thought I should share with you guys.. it's one of the most beautiful stories I've come across.. and no doubt encouraging for everyone out there.. :-)

it's REAALLLYYY longg... (even by my standards) but it was definitely worth the read in my opinion. 

Be blessed and enjoy as you read ... 

with love 


Dinner table all set, The knives are on the right, the forks on the left ,the spoons are set to the right of the knives ( the melon one and the soup one) Glasses are set above the plate to the right in order of course, the water ,the wine and the flute. The dress code on point ,the flowers are to the left of the table so I can see her face clearly, the cutlery is polished its only been 8 weeks I’ve been wondering how to make her my wife but tonight is the night I finally ask. I’ve loved her since we met and the road has been long.

She’ll be hear in an hour and I’ve changed ma shirt 4 times already.. The food is ready. (Thank God for moms hey)

I walk around the studio flat to make sure no socks are on the floor , no underwear like most days is hanging of the radiator .. I glance at the ps3 and think no not tonight gotta prepare my self ..

I begin to think but not too much as each time in the last 8 weeks I’ve chickened out.. we met in the oddest of situations and I knew I loved her but even that took a while . She adores me and I her ,I have all I need in a wife .. it been an amazing 2 going on 3 years .

As I sit there loads of this come into my mind
... It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him" (Genesis 2:18 KJV).First so I know I’m meant to be with someone.. I have prayed about this woman and even thru ma human doubts I know my fears are unfounded God is bigger than them all

As I think one last check God is she the one ‘ Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, completing) for him" (Genesis 2:18 Amplified).’

Enters my mind and she is. She adds to me emotionally and spiritually.. Physically it’s taken some prayer and loads of grace to contain myself. The woman was made for me

Okay so 30 mins had gone already and I began to pray for wisdom favor and all I had found my wife with His guidance so I was not going at this one alone . .

Ten mins before she was due to arrive I had to change my shirt again .. I was sweating so much. The phone rings and she says “ hey baby” and ma world spins “ I’m on ma way ma sis is running late I’ll see you in 15 mins “

I catch ma breath and think okay food check, ring check ( it a tiny white gold band with a small stone diamond and sapphire swirl just as she described it cost me not much but I had to get that exact one .. ) so ring ,food , water , drinks the green shloer ( I need to remember that name lol ) okay I have to calm down what am I forgetting so I reach into my jackect pocket and get ma list ..

I look at it
God check
Dressed check
Perfume check
Food check
Drink check
Ring check
Mints check

And at the bottom

What will you ask ?

My head started to spin … what was I gonna say .. will you marry me ?????? huh what kind of question is that ..

The word marry could not carry what I was intending to ask her..

I wanted to ask her to share with me in the journey that is my life , to glorify God with our marriage and to ask her to lift me when I become weak , to ask her to support my vision , to ask her to endure the tough times ahead because she loved me , I was gonna ask her to let me love her even with nothing to my name but my hope and faith in God .
I wanted to tell her I couldn’t afford much hence the home cooked meal.. But all I had would be to love God and her and in that order.
I wanted to ask her to be my best friend, my lover my, boss lady my companion, my counselor, my all .. I wanted to ask her to love me even on the days I was annoying.. I wanted to ask her to embrace ma family and love them like I do . I was about to ask her to bear my name and all that it is and to eventually bear my seed

I wanted to ask her to be my world.. to keep me before My King in service as that is where I am my best .. .. I need to ask that she live with me and tolerate my habits and train me to be a better man

I wanted to ask her to let me lead even when I seemed un sure..
I was about to ask for her lifetime investment in me to never end. So what kind of question is will you marry me..

Its 5 mins to go I am on ma knees and I remember He has gone before me and I am about to come into favour the door bell rings I get up from the floor wipe ma face and walk calmly towards the door … I grab ma swagger and composure on the way open the door with a smile and say “ my queen you are welcome ” .. she walk in and i begin to breathe .... TBC
it not just a question one uses every day it a stepping stone into destiny ...

She looks overly beautiful today although she has just worked a double shift. With school and work I really don’t know how she does it.. I just wanna carry her around breathe for her to all I can but I quickly bring ma self back to the room and ignore ma thought .. she smiled and ma heart leaps she walks into the living room sees the table and her face glows ..

“lilies baby aww” and she hugs me now ma heart is busting out of ma chest every time she is around I’m at peace she doesn’t have to try . She sashays to the table.. I watch her closely I pull out her chair and as she sits down. I can smell her perfume.. My knees buckle and I rush to sit down.. Wow I think the scent of a Queen.. We get into dinner I watch her, I look forward to the little portions and the small bites . I watch her as she tells me about her day..

She moves her head to the side, smiles and she sighs my heart is won over and over .. I see so far into the future I wanna get there now.. I see her walk down the isle I see her introducing me to our first son in the delivery room, I see her cry when he goes to school, I see her open the surprise gifts I will get, I see us 40 yrs on and I get on ma knees and say “baby thank yu “

I barely hear her account of the day.. On to desert I just watch her I think “God ,of all the men in the world she loves me enough to sit here and eat with me .. she loves me enough to let me dream ,, I sit there in awe that God would give me such wonderful woman ..i don’t deserve it but i will hold on to her .. Cherish her and never let her go

So we finish dinner and we start on the dishes she notices I’m all dressed up … she smiled and I twirl. As we do the dishes I tell her she means a lot to me .. she tells me she is blessed and she would not have it any other way .. We sit down to talk like we always do.. I bring her close and I feel her melt in ma arms.. I feel like the man she sees in me. I tell her how happy she makes me and how I appreciate her patience and love.

I kneel before her as we talk and she looks straight at me.. She tells me how I complete her and how she appreciates me .. The more she talks the less I hear all that in ma head is “GOD SHE LOVES ME SIMPLE ME “

I finally say a last prayer and I put ma hand on hers I say “baby girl listen , (she tilts her head to the side and slightly raises her eyebrows I know she is listening ),,
You know I love u , I tell you I show you , I even pray it .
You are my perfect girl , from the day we met we’ve come through the odds but with each day you become more and more beautiful in side and outside ..
you make my heart race and stop all at the same time
when you're not around nothing good feels as good
when you smile, you light up my insides
when we pray I know we turn things around
your passion and heart bless me and glorify my Father .. your destiny is amazing

Physically shawty u more that a ten .. they don’t come any better .. ( I smile and compose ma self )for u to look at me the way your do lets this little boy know He is indeed a King with you by his side .. baby you only have to wake up and i'm willing to do the rest .

she smiles while the tears fall .. I think "oh no" but The Holy Spirit says ask
so I reach in ma pocket and I bring out her ring she freezes and I say to her

“Baby will you do me the honour of bearing my name , my all, my seed, my destiny and even my possibilities “

The room is silent and I’m waiting … 30 secs sounds is like eternity .. she comes back to life and sighs now I’m getting scared

She wipes her face and says “baby no “ I don’t have time to react and she kneels with me and says it would be an honor for me to bear your name , your all , your seed your destiny and even your possibility .. That kind of privilege …. And tears just stream down her face

I’m stunned this women with all she is ,thinks I’m honoring her hold up .. we hold hands and began to pray .. After we pray she looks at and says “ may I honor you by saying yes “ I have never jumped this high ..

I put the ring on her finger and she marvels at it for the next hour and I just go round the house praising God and phoning anyone who would pick up..

Now I know you all thinking aww but it took prayer and discipline the challenges brought about when two souls try and become one can make or break them .. There is no time to focus on the physical.. God first. But that does not mean you don’t do anything else ..

Pray together , pray for each other ,, get to know one another its not enough being nice to each other ,.. you can’t say well we never get mad please, you are made in the image of God to two who got angry the most in the bible where God and Jesus . Its about teaching each other how to handle each other ..

Relationships don’t need to be miserable.. If its causing you pain take it to God He will fix it and tell you how to.. Love withers all storms and true love doesn’t just walk away true love is rooted in God from Him we know how to love.. 1 Corinthians 13 we all sing it but really study it .

You would go into an exam with out studying, so study read the word ... its the final authority what does it say find out what Christian authors say about courtship and marriage.. Don’t depend on what others think it the rest of your life so invest in it .. Here is some where for you to start

there is a reason our pastors are invested in us ..

Peace and love stay connected .. Love deep, love true love strong and Love God first and the rest will be your testimony ..
Heres to a life time of joy and amazing relationships..

remember Marriage is only the beginning i'll soon write on being married and staying married the book you forgot to read ..

stay blessed stay connected ..
God first , you can't fail .. i guarantee it